Carl Vinroe III

Carl Vinroe III is being recognized for his Superior Bowling Ability.
A member of the Butler County Bowling Association for 42 years. Vinroe has participated in over 20 different leagues within Butler County. As part of the leagues, Vinroe served as President and Treasurer throughout the years.
Vinroe’s highest league average is 215. He has rolled games of 300, 299, 298, and 297. He also has a high series of 802 and three 11-in-a-row games to his credit. Vinroe’s feats also include being named Ike Pawk Bowler of the Year, Seniors Champion and part of several championship teams.
In 2010, Vinroe was recognized for 25 years of participation in the USBC Open Championships: receiving a plaque at the National Bowling Stadium in Reno, NV.
Vinroe was an active participant on the weekly WISR radio show, providing a recap of the weekly scores throughout the country and updates on upcoming events. In 1985, Vinroe and John Ostwinch instituted the YBA Bowls with Some of Butler’s Finest Doubles Tournament which paired the county’s young bowlers with some of Butler’s best league bowlers.
Vinroe was a BCBA board member for over 15 years. He has served on the board as Director, Vice President, and President. As part of his service, he was named Director of the Year for his dedication to the sport and to the members of our local association and maintains a lifetime membership to BCBA.
Vinroe retired from the Federal Government; he and his wife, Susie, live in Center Township.